Imigração... vai entender!

Uma hora vemos notícias do aumento de imigrantes, abertura das portas do Canadá, antes vemos as dificuldades que nossos amigos estão passando no Brasil esperando entrevista... Agora esta...

(desculpe mas não tive tempo de traduzir, mas o título é: AGORA É HORA DE DIMINUIR A IMIGRAÇÃO.)

Now is the time to slow down immigration


October 28, 2008 05:22

It now seems evident we are going to experience a serious economic recession, but so far there has been no suggestion that it is time to cut back on the extraordinarily high immigration intake of the last 10 years. In the past, when Canada faced an economic downturn the immigration intake was also reduced. This was a sensible policy and beneficial to Canada and to immigrants. There is little sense in bringing immigrants here when they are unable to find jobs and either end up on our welfare rolls or displace other resident workers. Unfortunately, the policy of regulating immigrant numbers to labour force realities was abandoned in favour of a constant intake of about one-quarter of a million immigrants each year — regardless of labour force conditions.

Consequently, we now have close to 1 million immigrants waiting in the backlog to enter Canada. All of them have met the requirements and, by law, must be admitted. There are a further 60,000 to 70,000 asylum seekers already here waiting to appear before the Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB) and whether they are found to be genuine refugees or not, most will be allowed to remain. Added to this number are between 150,000 to 200,000 temporary workers in Canada and many of these will not return home when their contracts expire.

Our political leaders did not want to discuss immigration during the election campaign. All the parties are on record of wanting to raise immigration levels. They do this despite growing evidence that immigration is not making any significant contribution to our economic prosperity and does not in any way help us with our so-called aging problem.

A study published this summer by Prof. Herbert Gruber of Simon Fraser University showed that in the year 2002 alone, the costs in services and benefits received by 2.5 million immigrants who arrived between 1990 and 2002 exceeded the taxes they paid by $18.3 billion. This amount is roughly the cost of our Afghanistan campaign.

It is time our political parties stopped using immigrants as pawns in their political games and begin to act in the interests of all Canadians.

A first step would be to cut the immigration flow in half and admit only the first in line of those waiting in the backlog and restrict new applicants to the children and spouses of people already here. This is an opportunity for our political parties to work together when Parliament is recalled. Let’s see how they respond.



Franco Romanini disse…
Esse tema e delicado, porque existem varios tipos de discurso aqui: o oficial, o populista, o extra-oficial, o de campanha eleitoral, o de buteco e o racista mesmo :-)

Precisamente sobre essa nota, nao acho que tenha algum peso e nem que represente alguma coisa. Mesmo porque, e um tipico discurso populista, de que quando as coisas nao vao bem, a "casa" deve ser fechada e protegida e sempre que leva a culpa sao os imigrantes e bla bla bla...

Em geral, a idea unanime daqui e escolher melhor os imigrantes, trazer gente que some, que faca o bolo aumentar de tamanho e nao colocar o "dedao na massa" antes de cozinha-lo :-) Ex: Universitarios formados, familias jovens e fechar as portas para os que ja sabem que por um motivo ou outro, nao vao se integrar ou so vao dar gastos, leia-se refugiados, uniao familiar sem os requisitos minimos, minorias muito visiveis de paises que nao se integram ou com culturas muito diferentes. (Nao sou eu que digo isso heim :-)

Entao e isso, minha humilde opiniao :-)ta certo, Inte mais!
Anônimo disse…
E aí rapaz, como vai?! Faz um tempo já que acompanho seu blogue! Sempre com ótimas informações para o emigrante, vai ser realmente muito útil para mim, quando eu e minha esposa iniciarmos o processo em Janeiro!! Há uns 2 meses decidi iniciar o meu próprio blogue, e vim aqui dizer que criei uma seção chamada "parceiros" na barra lateral, e te linkei, ok?!
Dá uma passadinha lá quando tiver o tempo, se curtir, me linka, ok?!
No mais, parabéns pelo bom trabalho, tudo de bom!

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